Earlier this month, Peter Bostock from Pioneer Seeds and key researchers shared an update on the research trial: Canola Temperature and Critical Moisture for Establishment. The trial includes four different sowing dates, ranging from March to early May, along with dry seeding and three different irrigation practices.
It was a great opportunity to chat varieties, yields and moisture management.
Thank you to Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development for organising a pop-up event in response to Grower queries about what to do with early moisture sowing with insufficient follow-up rains. The event was planned to assist in decision-making on how to manage canola this season and how we can apply the learnings from 2024 to the 2025 season as part of our Drought Hub Node work.
Key Takeaways
Only 50-70% of the viable canola seed in the ground actually turns into crop compared to cereals, so it’is crucial to get canola crop establishment right. Too early and you risk high soil temperature, low soil moisture and increased end of season frost risk. Go too late and you seed into cold soil which slows growthIf considering re-seeding, do a cost benefit analysis regarding the cost of using urea to bulk up patchy crops vs the costs of re-seeding into cooler soil Yield penalties from going too early are rare.Local growers would like accessto GM Round Up Ready Canola seed early enough to take advantage of favourable conditions. With no bulk up system in WA, growers are reliant on Eastern States seed providers and have to lock in quantities early. One researcher commented that it would be good for local growers to have open pollinator canola varieties on hand in the event of crop failure/ poor seasonal conditions.
Understanding canola establishment to optimise yields
For those who missed out – we hope to revisit the trial again at the Spring Field Day on Weds Sept 18th, 2024.
Thankyou as always to our wonderful Sponsors!
Bendigo Bank, CSBP, AGT, GrainCorp, CBH and Rabo Bank.