MADFIG Projects

Closing the Economic Yield Gap of Grain Legumes in WA

Project duration:
In collaboration with:
Funded by:
GRDC through GGA
Project Description:

Thirteen grower groups across WA will become Centres of Excellence as part of a bigger state-wide project through GGA. Together we will build on existing experience and knowledge for growing legumes in the geographical areas, climate and soil type.

Farm-scale and small plot trials are happening with the aim of finding best-fit grain legume recommendations for local and regional growers. The project includes economic analysis of the grain legume as a cash crop in the year they are grown and calculating the financial contribution of grain legumes to the longer-term cropping rotations.  This includes break crop benefits and improved nitrogen boost in subsequent years.

Research gaps will be identified to inform future research.

Additional Resources

See where trials are happening here.

For more information visit the GGA webpage.


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